شرکت کارتن پلاست اولین و بزرگترین تولید کننده کارتن پلاست
تلفن : 91009466-021
Email: info@cartonplast.co.com
شرکت کارتن پلاست
تهران - خيابان وليعصر ، نرسيده به چهارراه پارك وي ، خيابان تورج ، مجتمع پارك وي
Cartonplast sheet as the product of the CartonPlast company are made of polypropylene in the sheet form with a high physical durability and chemical resistance .
the Cartonplast sheet which is offered to the costumers in different colors, thicknesses, and strengths to be fit as an ideal product in wide range of applications.
Cartonplast sheet provide a very high resistance in the improper environmental condition as it can stand temperature fluctuations between minus 40 centigrade degree up to plus 80 centigrade degree and it is also resistant in the expose of light, high humidity, rainfall and chemicals.
Cartonplast sheet & roll can be manufactured in the range between 2 to 13 mm thicknesses.
cartonplast main product is cartonplast sheet , which is the building material that will serve so many functions only imagination is the limit .
link : Technical Test
Product Type | Thickness(mm) | Range(Gr/m2) | Color | |
Cartonplast | 2 | 330 | 26 color | monochrome |
Cartonplast | 2 | 350 | 26 color | Two colors |
Cartonplast | 2 | 400 | 26 color | Two colors |
Cartonplast | 2 | 450 | 26 color | Two colors |
Cartonplast | 2.5 | 450 | 26 color | Two colors |
Cartonplast | 2.5 | 500 | 26 color | Four colors |
Cartonplast | 3 | 500 | 26 color | Four colors |
Cartonplast | 3 | 550 | 26 color | Four colors |
Cartonplast | 3 | 600 | 26 color | Four colors , Six colors |
Cartonplast | 3 | 650 | 26 color | Four colors , Six colors |
Cartonplast | 3 | 700 | 26 color | Four colors , Six colors |
Cartonplast | 4 | 700 | 26 color | Four colors , Six colors |
Cartonplast | 4 | 750 | 26 color | Four colors , Six colors |
Cartonplast | 4 | 800 | 26 color | Four colors , Six colors |
Cartonplast | 4 | 850 | 26 color | Four colors , Six colors |
Cartonplast | 4 | 900 | 26 color | Four colors , Six colors |
Cartonplast | 5 | 1000 | 26 color | Four colors , Six colors |
Cartonplast | 5 | 1100 | 26 color | Four colors , Six colors |
Cartonplast | 5 | 1200 | 26 color | Four colors , Six colors |
Cartonplast | 6 | 1200 | 26 color | Four colors , Six colors |
Cartonplast | 6 | 1400 | 26 color | Four colors , Six colors |
Cartonplast | 6 | 1600 | 26 color | Four colors , Six colors |
Cartonplast | 8 | 1600 | 26 color | * |
Cartonplast | 8 | 1800 | 26 color | * |
Cartonplast | 10 | 1800 | 26 color | * |
Cartonplast | 10 | 2000 | 26 color | * |
Cartonplast | 12 | 2400 | 26 color | * |
Cartonplast | 12 | 2600 | 26 color | * |
Cartonplast | 13 | 2800 | 26 color | * |
Cartonplast | 13 | 3000 | 26 color | * |