شرکت کارتن پلاست اولین و بزرگترین تولید کننده کارتن پلاست
تلفن : 91009466-021
Email: info@cartonplast.co.com
شرکت کارتن پلاست
تهران - خيابان وليعصر ، نرسيده به چهارراه پارك وي ، خيابان تورج ، مجتمع پارك وي
Cartonplast Display stands meant for tabletops to exhibit your products in an attractive, efficient way .
Our tabletop display stands offer a great way to tell your brand story and are easy to position and assemble . Have you got a design or set of requirements in mind? Get in touch! We’re eager to discuss them with you .