شرکت کارتن پلاست اولین و بزرگترین تولید کننده کارتن پلاست
تلفن : 91009466-021
Email: info@cartonplast.co.com
شرکت کارتن پلاست
تهران - خيابان وليعصر ، نرسيده به چهارراه پارك وي ، خيابان تورج ، مجتمع پارك وي
some cases of using carton plast in home appliances are as follow :
As protector of all kinds of gas stoves
As protector of all kinds of water coolers
Using as a floor for refrigerators and freezers
Using as back protection of refrigerators and freezers
As protector of all kinds of refrigerators and freezers for preserving coldness and saving energy
Packaging home appliances
Lightweight and flexible compared with galvanized sheets
Sound insulation
The privileges of carton plast boxes:
The test result indicates that plastic sheets are preferable in comparison with cartons or corrugated papers as the mater of the below parameters: