شرکت کارتن پلاست اولین و بزرگترین تولید کننده کارتن پلاست
تلفن : 91009466-021
Email: info@cartonplast.co.com
شرکت کارتن پلاست
تهران - خيابان وليعصر ، نرسيده به چهارراه پارك وي ، خيابان تورج ، مجتمع پارك وي
In Cartonplast company we are aware of the importance of the medical care, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries sanitary requirements.
Since decades, we have been working in close cooperation with the medical and pharmaceutical industries: we have been able to meet their high hygiene and quality standards .
That is why special procedures to minimise the risk of cross contamination during production or packaging are put into place .
Once trays and cases are produced, they are packed in a minimum amount of time in bundles and a special hygienic outer packaging and pallet covers are used to protect the goods .
Our offer for this industry includes one-way cases and trays, featuring inner dividers as well, suitable to safely transport glass vials, syringes, ampoules and tops. The priceless advantage of our packaging is the fact that it is moisture-proof, with no emissions of dust or fibres, as well as inert .
At the end of its service life, our lightweight and disposable polypropylene packaging is 100% recyclable .
Trays, boxes, separators used as secondary packaging for the logistic of glassware dedicated to pharmaceutical and cosmetic purposes also during sterilization treatments (γ rays, ethylene oxide)